July - Newsletter 26 (20th July 2016)



Dear Parents/Carers,


It has been an enjoyable and rewarding term with very mixed weather! Thank you for helping to keep your children prepared by applying them with sun cream before school on sunny days and providing waterproofs in the rain! Keep your fingers crossed for good weather on Friday as it is our sponsored jog and PTA picnic. The picnic is from 6:30pm to 8:30pm on the school field - bring your food, drinks and a picnic blanket and enjoy! Children must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them during the picnic.


Sponsored Jog for Sports Relief– Most classes weren’t able to do our sponsored jog last Friday because of the rain – we hope to do it this Friday afternoon instead. The Reception children did their jog in the morning and so any sponsor money they have collected can be sent into school – thank you. All other sponsor money would be welcome next week – if it is wet on Friday then each class will find their own time to do the jog before we break-up!


Stockport Schools’ Baton Relay – we did manage to welcome the Olympic baton on Friday on its final leg of the journey around Stockport schools. Our runners did the final laps and we cheered them on – in our coats and waving flags!


Wind in the Willows – our junior children are doing a great job with their production. We have one more show to go tonight (Wednesday 20th)! All juniors in years 3, 4 and 5 should arrive at school in their costumes at 6:15pm (no earlier please). Year 6 should arrive at 6pm (again not earlier than this please) and will get changed at school. It lasts about 1 ½ hours so we should be finished by 8pm.


Bikeability – Year 5 children who have responded are doing their cycle training during the day on both Monday and Tuesday next week and Year 4 are doing their training after school on one of these days. Year 5 children need their bike and helmet in school on both days if they are taking part and Year 4 on the day that they have been allocated.


Parent Questionnaires – please complete your questionnaires and return them to school this week. We value your feedback and use the questionnaires to help form our School Improvement Plan for next year. Thank you.


Library Books - We would love all children to read as much as possible over the summer. Cheadle Hulme Library is open all summer and you can take part in their Summer Reading Challenge. We need all school library books back next week please so we can sort them again ready for September – thank you!


Cheadle Hulme High School Maths Challenge Winners – well done to our Year 5 and 6 who won the Cheadle Hulme Maths Challenge and brought home the trophy for Lane End. This maths competition involves all of the primary schools in Cheadle Hulme and all of the Year 5 and 6 children take part in high level maths challenges and problem solving – the schools’ entries are judged by the high school and we came out on top! Our individual winners were Adam in Year 5 and Jason and Alex in Year 6 who went to the high school for the presentation ceremony. Well done all!


Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly – 9:15am on Wednesday 27th July. They are a great class of children who have done very well this year and throughout school and we’d love parents/carers and relatives of our Year 6 to join us for their final assembly.


This year the Year 6 children took the new tests and assessments which assessed the new and more challenging national curriculum. They did very well and the class results are below:


Our Results Compared to National Results

% meeting expected standard:





Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Teacher assessment














National Result






Our reading test result is subject to change as we have sent a number of tests back for re-marking.


The very high percentages in Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) on the tests looks like our normal set of results, however national averages have gone down in all tests and so our maths and GPS results are even higher than they look (if that makes sense!) and will be amongst the  highest in the country. We have sent a number of the reading tests back for remarking so this particular result is subject to change. Schools found this the most controversial of the new tests this year as it differed greatly from the sample test which schools had been given. It also seems that some of the tests may have been marked badly!


We are proud of how well both children and staff (and parents at home) have done with the new curriculum and challenges this year - their good learning is well represented by our teacher assessments. The children have worked hard and made great progress throughout Year 6 and their time at Lane End. The results give one aspect of their learning but the children have also shown great talent, skill, development and progress across the primary curriculum – in their creative development, physical development, broader academic development and their emotional and social development. Well done all!  They are ready and well prepared for high school and we wish them well!


Toy Day - Children can bri ng a toy in for the last day of term – they are responsible for their own toy/game. Electronic devices must only have age appropriate games on them.   Mobile phones don’t count as toys!


We break up after school on Thursday 28th July and the children are back in school on Monday 5th September.


Yours sincerely, 

James Twigg

Ramillies Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire, SK8 7AL

0161 485 8071
