February - Newsletter 16 (14th February 2014)


Dear Parents/Carers,


Parents Evening – Monday 10th (Year 5), Tuesday 11th (all other classes) and Wednesday 12th (all classes) of March. We’d really like to see all parents so please sign up for a slot by coming in to school on Tuesday next week (18th February) or phoning from 8am if you are unable to come into school. Thank you.


PTA – our next meeting is on Thursday 20th February (next week) at 7:30pm – everyone is welcome. We’re arranging a sports themed family event linked in with Sports Relief for after the half term holidays on Friday 21st March at 6:30pm - more information to follow! There will also be a sponsored run event for the children coming up in May and we will let you know more when we have finalised details.


World Book Day – we thought it might be helpful to give you a bit of advanced notice about a dressing up event on World Book Day (Thursday March 6th) – children can come as a character from a book: as wild and wacky or subtle and refined as they choose! We’ll have a fancy dress competition with a prize for the winner from each class and an overall KS1 and KS2 winner.


Robinwood - The Year 6 children had a great time on their activity centre residential to Robinwood in Alston, Cumbria. They worked brilliantly as a team and received fantastic feedback from the Robinwood staff. Well done Year 6!


Unfortunately the bad weather has meant that many of our sporting fixtures have been cancelled recently: the football at Adswood Primary this week was cancelled and next week’s Girls Football match at Hursthead has also been cancelled. We had to cancel the cross country race planned on our field on Wednesday due to the bad weather and field condition – we will reschedule this for another time as we are very keen to hold a cross country event at Lane End!


Governors’ Visit – We have a committed governing body at Lane End and were pleased that the whole governing body (except Rev Newton who was away) were able to come in to school for the whole day yesterday and work with the children. They thoroughly enjoyed the day too.


Class Assemblies – please enter school through the community room and sign in there so we can avoid the crowds around the school reception area. The PTA will provide coffee in the community room from 9am so if you want to stay after drop off you are more than welcome. Assemblies start at 10:10am and we will lead you through the school into the hall from the community room – thanks for your help with this. Reception class assembly is on Thursday 20th February at 10:10am.


Email – We now have an email address from almost every parent in school. If you haven’t provided one yet and have an email address please do so ASAP – thank you.


We aim to be approachable and work in partnership with parents, so if there is anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to come and talk to us.


Yours sincerely, 

James Twigg


Ramillies Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire, SK8 7AL

0161 485 8071
