Summary of the School Improvement Plan for Parents and Feedback from the Parents Questionnaire











As a parent or carer we believe you should be aware of all the developments that are happening in school to improve the quality of education your child receives. We are working hard to provide your child with the best possible education and school experience. This leaflet provides a brief summary of our School Improvement Plan (a document produced by the school to identify ways in which the school will move forward). The targets in the School Improvement Plan focus on the continual development of the school in the short term and over the next ten years.




At Lane End we are pleased to teach children with a variety of needs and from a variety of backgrounds and it is important to us that all the children in our school feel valued. The plan reflects our aim to provide the best possible education for all of our children.




 We aim to work in partnership with parents and the community to help further improve the school - this leaflet gives you a summary of the results from our most recent parents’ questionnaire.  We also make sure that we listen carefully to the children and use our Pupil Forum to gather information and suggestions for improvement from the children’s perspective. Along with our own internal monitoring and development areas identified by staff and governors we use this feedback to inform our school improvement plan each year.




Feedback from the Parent Questionnaire




One way in which we listen to parents is through our annual parent questionnaire. Below you will find the results of the questionnaire which was carried out in Summer 2013. Thank you to everyone who responded to the questionnaire. We had 80 responses this year from parents across all year groups which is a good number to be able to draw some conclusions from. We used the VLE for the questionnaire which allows us to analyse the results more efficiently and effectively.




The results are pleasing and reflect the hard work we put in to the school and your children’s experience at Lane End. There is always something to be improved and after the summary, some of these points are highlighted.




Overall, responses to the statements were very positive:


 My child enjoys school and is happy there

98% - agree or strongly agree (69% Strongly Agree, 29% Agree)





 The school enables my child to achieve a high standard of work.

99% - agree or strongly agree (47% Strongly Agree, 52% Agree)





I believe that the school meets the individual needs of my child and is helping him/her to achieve his/her potential.

95% - agree or strongly agree (39% Strongly Agree, 56% Agree)





 School offers a wide range of after-school activities.

95% - agree or strongly agree (45% Strongly Agree, 50% Agree)





 I receive good information on the progress and attainment of my child in school.

98% - agree or strongly agree (38% Strongly Agree, 60% Agree)





 I believe that there is good communication between school and home.

97% - agree or strongly agree (53% Strongly Agree, 44% Agree)





I am happy with the progress my child has made this year.

96% - agree or strongly agree (52 % Strongly Agree, 44% Agree)





I am satisfied with the amount of homework my child is expected to do in his/her own time.

88% - agree or strongly agree (28% Strongly Agree, 60% Agree)





 I believe the school achieves good standards of behaviour.

99% - agree or strongly agree (58% Strongly Agree, 41% Agree)





 I feel happy to approach the school with any issues concerning my child.

97%- agree or strongly agree (69% Strongly Agree, 28% Agree)





 I understand it is easy for parents to get involved in the life of the school.

100% - agree or strongly agree (59% Strongly Agree, 41% Agree)





 I believe the school provides a safe environment for my child.

100% - agree or strongly agree (79% Strongly Agree, 21% Agree)





 I believe the school helps my child to understand how to stay safe.

100% - agree or strongly agree (53% Strongly Agree, 47% Agree)





 I believe the school encourages my child to keep healthy.

97% - agree or strongly agree (48% Strongly Agree, 49% Agree)





 I believe the school supports parents in how to support their children at home.

94% - agree or strongly agree 39% Strongly Agree, 55% Agree)





 I believe the school is well led and managed

100% - agree or strongly agree (78% Strongly Agree, 22% Agree)





 I believe that the school helps my child to understand their role and responsibilities within our community.

99% - agree or strongly agree (49% Strongly Agree, 50% Agree)

I find the school website easy to use.

97% - agree or strongly agree (46% Strongly agree, 51% Agree)


I believe the school is accessible to anyone with a disability.

93% - agree or strongly agree (22% Strongly Agree, 71% Agree)






We also asked the following longer questions:  What do you believe we do well as a school? What else could we do to improve further?  Any additional comments?            




All of these results feed into our school improvement plan for 2013/14. Whilst the results were very positive, we are always aiming to move the school forward to get the best for all of the children and we have already started using your feedback to help us improve.






We can all be very proud of our school and children and it is lovely to get some positive feedback from the questionnaire from parents, comments included:




“It's a small friendly school where each child is known and valued. There is a great range of learning opportunities as well as involvement in local events and competitions.”




“Drive positive supportive messages to the children in respect of learning. Giving children the confidence to try their best, respecting people, thinking/reflecting on things, being kind to people.”




“Children get a good education but they also get a good sense of community and the school encourages them to be confident, caring young people.”




“You create a warm, happy environment where children can be accepting of others and feel accepted. The curriculum seems to be increasingly creative & stimulating, and the introduction of things like forest school has been great. My children have a real love of learning which may be partly innate, but you have really fostered & encouraged it. Thank you!!”




“As you look around all you seem to see is happy children and that makes parents feel happy! Both my boys are really happy at Lane End and they are also doing very well and that's all I ask for!”




“The school as a whole is a welcoming place. The staff that we have interacted with are all friendly and very professional. On the occasions that I have been present at the school I have been really pleased to see the level of enthusiasm that the staff have and the encouragement and praise that the children receive.”




“You provide a safe and happy school where the children move on to high school being proud to have attended Lane End and then ex-pupils give encouragement to younger ex-Lane End pupils. Thank you.”




“I believe the school has really helped and supported both our children (and our third is very excited about starting in September). The variety of activities and the inclusiveness, in addition to the 'external' topics/people/subjects that are introduced is superb (I am thinking of the authors, twinning/exchange activities etc that are undertaken).”




“Foster a caring, community spirit and encourage all children to develop a growth mindset.”




“Lane End offers a supportive, nurturing environment in which students are encouraged to fulfil their full potential whilst challenging themselves.”




“The school is innovative (crucial when money is tight) - e.g. Muddy Mondays.
I am very proud to say to other parents I meet that my daughter is at Lane End.”




“The school has a delightful caring and friendly attitude. I believe the staff are approachable and friendly, I feel they genuinely care about the children who attend the school. I appreciate that being a teacher is a very tough job but I never get the impression that anything is too much hard work. All the pupils I see on a daily basis are well behaved and polite, and I'm extremely proud that my children attend the school.”


















At Lane End Primary School we aim to work in partnership with all members of the school community to make teaching and learning exciting and enjoyable, support and challenge every child to achieve at the highest possible level and create a safe and secure environment where every child is happy, valued and prepared to make a positive contribution to our rapidly changing society.     




Excellence, Determination, Inspiration, Respect, Courage, Equality, Friendship








Over the next 5 – 10 years we have identified 4 main areas we will be developing within the school.




A: To further develop teaching techniques and a meaningful curriculum which enthuses every child and enhances their individual learning.




B:  To develop our learning community (giving everyone in the school community the opportunity to learn together).



D:  To create a 21st Century school environment which enhances learning opportunities for all.




We are taking many steps to ensure that we achieve the targets we have set. 

Here are a few examples of ways we endeavour to achieve these:


  1. To further develop teaching techniques and a meaningful curriculum which enthuses every child and enhances their individual learning


Our whole school “themed week” this year is going to be based on Maths with Mrs Love leading the staff to deliver a wide range of interesting activities and challenges. During the week the children will take part in maths across the curriculum. The Happy Puzzle Company will be in to work with all of the children and we will have a whole school competition too.


We will continue to develop our curriculum and as well as focusing on the core subjects of maths, literacy and science and each child’s achievement and progression in these areas we are also further developing the broader curriculum. This year we are utilising experts in music, French, ICT and P.E. teaching to benefit the children and enrich our curriculum. We have employed Mr Matt Ward as our school sports coach and are further increasing the amount of sport and sports competitions in school as well as working on the children’s healthy lifestyles. We have furthered our partnership with ‘The Language People’ to help deliver high quality French teaching. We are developing our music curriculum and have also continued to develop our music partnership with Stockport Music Service who are now running our Class 5 band and creating more opportunities for the children to play instruments together.


We aim to make the best use of our outdoor space to enhance learning across the curriculum, including use of the garden, Muddy Mondays and Welly Wednesdays in Reception and Year 1and use of the local environment.





  1. To develop our learning community


We want to enable parents to have a better understanding of what their child is doing in school – we will use our target setting process to do this (see below) as well as inviting parents into school to see a lesson (we’ve already started doing this in Reception – information for other year groups coming home after half term).


We want to continue developing our strong team of staff with high quality training and access to the latest thinking in education.


We are making the best use of our link with schools in Zambia by building this into the Year 4 curriculum We are using technology so that the whole school can share messages and learning with the schools in Africa.


  1. To develop our Growth Mindset and live the Olympic and Paralympic Values


We are going to revamp how we set the children their individual targets, to link in closer with our work on Growth Mindset. Instead of receiving a target at parents evening we are going to have a more dynamic and responsive approach to each individual child’s learning and their next steps. We already aim to challenge each child at their own level and this approach will communicate this between home and school and allow us to work together on each child’s targets.


We will look at further ways of helping the children understand the responsibility they have for their behaviour, the impact on others and how to problem solve when there is a disagreement.


We want to give children access to inspirational visitors and experiences to develop their Growth Mindset – for example, we have Matthew Walker, paralymlpic swimmer, visiting after half term. We are also further developing our sports provision and finding even more opportunities for challenge across the curriculum.


D.  To create a 21st Century school environment which enhances learning opportunities for all.


We are integrating the use of mobile technology into the curriculum so that the children can use up-to-date technology to further enhance their learning experience. We now have a full class set of iPads and teachers are receiving training on how to use them to maximise learning for the children.


In consultation with the children we are going to refurbish and update aspects of the school they would like to see improved.  We are aiming to redecorate and refurbish to get the very best out of our school building and environment.  We are also planning to purchase new classroom furniture over time.


We would like to further develop our outside area and, as funding allows, install more outside play and exploration equipment. This will also include a trim trail funded by the PTA.



  Thank-you for taking the time to read this information, we hope you find it useful and that it gives you a better understanding of the improvements we are focusing on or intend to make. All of these steps are designed to help your child achieve their best and enjoy their education. Thank you for your continued support in helping us to achieve these aims.


Our School Improvement Plan is continually reviewed and developed. We will update you over the coming year on our progress towards these targets.


If you have any queries relating to this summary of the School Improvement Plan, or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Many thanks,   James Twigg


Ramillies Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire, SK8 7AL

0161 485 8071